Archives / January 2019

T.P Sreenivasan
New Year Wishes and Thoughts 2019



Most of us must be glad that 2018 is over and done with. That adds to the joy of welcoming 2019, which promises a change for the better. Let us hope and pray that the world, particularly India and Kerala will have greater peace and prosperity in the New Year. 

The growing global disorder is the biggest concern in the New Year. The world is fast slipping into a multi-cornered Cold War, without the redeeming aspect of balance of power and predictability of a bipolar world. Today, alliances are fractured and we must expect the unexpected. The US is becoming increasingly isolated, having abandoned globalism and multilateralism, which were the main components of the global architecture shaped by the US itself. China is slipping into the space being vacated by the US, causing concern about its expansionist and super power ambitions. Powerful leaders are emerging with autocratic inclinations and extreme views. 

The forthcoming general elections are distracting India from its path to progress with the possibility of a change of Government. Kerala’s disastrous fall out from the floods and the unnecessary controversy over Sabarimala has shaken its very foundations. Instead of tearing down walls of hatred, new walls are being built in the beginning of the New Year.

The controversy about foreign assistance for disaster relief was a tragedy of errors. Had it not been for the unfortunate politicisation of the issue, there was no reason to embarrass foreign governments who were willing to help. Now no one knows how the shortfall in resources would be made up. 

As a family, we have reasons to be grateful. Lekha continues her charity work, despite some health concerns. Both Kiku and Mishu are on the threshold of professional changes, which augur well for them. Roopa and Sharu are as ebullient as ever. Durga, Krishna and Shivaay give us joy by their growth and development. I remain busy as a Foreign Service evangelist, coping  with the demands of travel, speaking and writing. I could write a book called “Speeches, Speeches, Speeches” as a sequel to my first work, “Words, Words, Words” ! At the end of 2018, unexpected recognition of my work came in the form of the coveted KPS Menon Memorial Award.

We lost some dear colleagues and friends during the year, making us more aware of the need for clinging on to those who remain. Friendships with no strings attached make life worthwhile. Love, reciprocated or otherwise, adds immense joy to life.

We have received warm greetings and good wishes through multiple platforms. Some have sent us gifts for the season. Please consider this as a personal acknowledgement of your generosity and care. May you be blessed in the New Year and beyond.


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