Archives / December 2020

Mini narendran
Darkness  of my own!

I was in a darkness of my own

Within a night I had not known

I chose to stumble in my pace 

With all hope of light misplaced


On my course a twinkle caught my eye

A lonely star in the sky above

Getting ever brighter as I drew nigh

Then did I see the truth thereof

It was a myriad in mutiny 

A constellation that raided the night

Luminous in its beauty

A radiance which compelled my sight


I was in a darkness of my own

Overcome by a light unknown

That eased my path in grace

And all lost hope replaced


It reclined in the cosmos

Calling out to me

Seeming within reach almost

Then I blurred back to reality

A marvel that pulled my soul 

By more than figure of speech

To be part of a whole

My flesh could never reach


How daunting a brilliance 

I longed for though farfetched 

My heart need travel a distance

Fear served only to stretch

It held my tarrying gaze

For only a moment more

Then left me in a daze

Stealing that which I adore


I again stumble in my pace 

Having lost my stars in space

Returned to a state I now bemoan

I am in a darkness of my own



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